Discover Being Green Indoors and Floral Signatures: our inspiring autumn campaigns
We are continuously exploring ways to inspire and inform consumers all year round. This sometimes results in existing campaigns being expanded, and at other times results in completely new concepts. This autumn will see a combination of both. In this article, you can read more about the Being Green Indoors content campaign and Floral Signatures campaign.

Consumers experience the positive impact of greenery at home with Being Green Indoors campaign
In October, we will be launching the Being Green Indoors content campaign, which is an initiative that makes consumers aware of the positive impact of house plants on our well-being. This campaign emphasises that, no matter where in the home they’re placed, plants have a positive impact on both our mental and physical health. The campaign will supplement our consumer campaigns that focus on the benefits of a green living environment and the well-being effects of flowers and plants. We will soon be sharing more information about the exact contents and creative details of this campaign.
Floral Signatures: video format that reaches an audience of millions
In November, we will be taking the next step with a series of new videos in our Floral Signature series. This successful video format gives consumers an exclusive look behind the scenes of the world of flower arranging, with renowned floral artists from various countries sharing their unique creations and tips. The videos are inspiring and educational, and help consumers to make their own beautiful flower arrangements. This new edition expands the series with new florists from Germany, France and the United Kingdom. More information to follow.
More information?
Feel free to contact Monique Kemperman at