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Partnerships & research

Getting to know consumers 

Consumer-based research into flowers and plants 

The Flower Council of Holland is always keenly focused on consumers in all marketing activities and communications. To better understand flower and plant buyers, we engage in continuous dialogue with each other, and also conduct research. This provides valuable knowledge and insights, which can be used for our activities but also shared with growers and traders.  

To arrive at the best strategy and effective activities, we conduct extensive consumer research, such as an annual trend study, a gift monitor, a sustainability survey among consumers, and a media study. This allows us to keep abreast of developments and continuously improve our activities based on the latest knowledge and insights. As a result, we know exactly how to motivate consumers and inspire them to take action. As part of sector communications, we study the image of the sector among consumers and monitor sentiment in the media. Together with network partners in the sector, we endeavour to positively influence this image. 

Read more about our sector communications here.

Strength in numbers 
Knowledge forms the basis of all our efforts. We collect and share knowledge and insights about consumers with growers and traders. That is why we regularly organise webinars and meetings. We help implement the acquired insights so that everyone can capitalise on them.  

Our small team has big ambitions and works together with equally ambitious network partners, both within and outside of the sector, from growers and traders to research firms and media, PR and advertising agencies. Together we can fulfil our ambitions!