The Flower Council of Holland at IPM Essen
Have a talk with us

Planning to visit this year’s IPM in Essen (24-27 January 2023)? Then make sure you visit the stand of the Flower Council of Holland (stand 1E22). Our staff will be delighted to tell you about the collective promotions, collaboration in shopper activations, and the results of recent consumer surveys – activities that are also of value to you.
The stand focuses on campaigns, communication and knowledge. We will use short videos to take you on a journey through a variety of relevant topics, such as sustainability, shopper activations and online developments. And we will also answer any questions that arise along the way.
Sharing insights
Recent studies in the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, for instance, show how consumers view sustainability when it comes to flowers and plants. They intend to buy more sustainable flowers and plants, but encounter a number of obstacles.
The experiences acquired from sales promotion activities are also shared, using a brief video and a new brochure about shopper activations in 2022. Research reveals how the product range, packaging and presentation at the point of sale influence consumer choices. A third presentation video highlights the latest developments in social media and the new social media platforms to be introduced in the near future. How can you best prepare your company for these developments?
Knowledge and insights from research in a wide range of disciplines can also help you make better strategic and practical decisions.